JFDA warns against buying weight loss herbal mixtures


Published: 2018-10-25 12:32

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 20:17

Citizens should beware of unlicensed herbal mixtures. (Doctor NDTV)
Citizens should beware of unlicensed herbal mixtures. (Doctor NDTV)

The Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) has warned Jordanian citizens against buying the herbal mixtures intended to help with weight loss that are being promoted and sold on social media.

The JFDA said in a press statement that it has not licensed the distribution of those mixtures, which claim to help with weight loss and controlling appetite.

Certain herbal remedies can have dangerous side effects due to the combination of herbs in them, as certain herbs react with each other and can cause kidney or liver damage, “and are sometimes adulterated with steroids, pesticides, antibiotics or harmful metals,” according to a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Legal action will be taken against any social media account selling unlicensed herbal mixtures or products under the pretense that they can do things that aren’t true.

Citizens were advised to call the JFDA toll-free number 117114 or text the WhatsApp number 0795632000 to report any suspicious products in the local market or ones being sold through social media.

And just like we've recommended to you in the past, these are the healthy ways of losing weight:

1. Eat a healthy, high-protein breakfast.
2. Snack on fruits and vegetables.
3. Exercise.
4. Eat soluble fiber.
5. Avoid processed foods.
6. Eat your food slowly.